Your Daily Bread
Bread (or the lack of it) was one of the causes of the French Revolution, with the infamous quote attributed ...
Summer Salads with a Twist
White shirts and pastels, iced teas and ice creams, hats, scarves and shades, the koel singing you awake every morning ...
David Lebovitz’s Apple Spice Cake
I haven’t posted a recipe in a while and I thought I’d remedy that today. So fancy baking a cake ...
Taste of Mumbai & Chef Federico Volpi’s Tuscan Cooking
The very first Mumbai edition of the internationally celebrated Taste Festival took place this weekend at Marine Drive (Mar 22-24, ...
An Exclusive Interview with Rahul Akerkar
With the increasing worldwide focus on food, it’s no surprise that restaurants and restaurateurs from India are making their presence ...
Chez Moi – Opening soon in Andheri
I wonder why is it that Mumbai hasn’t taken too kindly to French restaurants, as much as it has opened ...
The Baker’s Dozen & Pain Perdu
Pain Perdu literally translates from the French into ‘lost bread’! But this post is about how I’ve recently found some ...
David Rocco’s Dolce Vita at ITC Grand Central
Couple of days ago my phone rang and it was ITC Grand Central asking if I’d like to attend an ...
A bit of France in Mumbai at Suzette – includes ...
Bonjour! This is a slightly long one since it’s packed with a review, a class and a recipe. Remember the ...
Valentine’s Dinner at Indigo, courtesy Gourmet It Up!
Last week, the good folks at Gourmet It Up ran a Valentine’s Day contest on Twitter and no prizes for ...